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The Paint and Sip will be September 21st, and starts at 1 pm. Below is the item or very similar to the item we will be painting, and it will be on slate. The cost will be $40 per person, and include a free drink of your choice. Please RSVP for your spot, because space may be limited. You can RSVP by calling (814) 358-2202, texting to (724) 954-4728, messaging us or emailing to

We will have food available for purchase at the event. We will provide more details on the food when we get closer to the event

Thanks everyone and hope to see you there.


Hello all. Wanted to give you an update on our wine stock. We have had an exceptional year, and we exceeded our volume expectations but unfortunately it has left us very low on our sweet wines. At the moment, the only sweet wines we have are Blueberry, Fredonia, and Catawba. Hopefully within a couple months the Concord, Maxi Madness, Raven's Revenge, Black Shadow, and Niagara. We are also working on the Luscious Lassie, Vignols, and Lady liberty. We will also have a new Pear, and Lemon wine available in the fall.

In the mean time we will be having a lot of mixed drinks, a variety of beer, and slushies available to help offset the wine shortage until the others are ready.

The dry wines we currently have are Malbec, Jetty Bear, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Zinfandel. We are hoping the Cabernet Sauvignon will be ready in the fall, along with the Merlot.

We will be having several events and will be posting that information very soon. Thanks everyone and sorry for the shortages at the moment.

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